SugarRush (Day 2): 9th & 10th Place – Alex Bereshy & Chris Capone

Level 24 (Blinds 25,000/50,000/5,000)
Total SugarRush Challenge Entries: 512
Players Remaining: 8
Chip Average: 1,806,000


Alex Bereshy

In back to back hands, we’ve seen those previously mentioned final table short stacks hit the rail, quickly dropping this field down to it’s final eight. First to go was Alex Bereshy, as he moved all-in for 165,000 from under the gun. The table folded around to Adam Levitan, who called in the big blind with A♠9♠.

Bereshy held 66 and after the A♣K8 flop, the short stack needed help to stay alive. It never came, as the 9 and K♣ completed the board and secured the elimination for Levitan. Bereshy will make $1,603 for his 10th place finish and in the very next hand, Chris Capone bowed out in 9th.


Chris Capone

He moved all-in from the button for 210,000 and after some thought, chip leader Jerry Johnson came out of the tank to call. Johnson didn’t think he had the best hand by any means but his 105 was actually ahead of Capone’s 9♣6♣.

Ten-high stayed in the lead through the A♣7♠3♠ flop and after the 5♠ fell on the turn, Capone needed to hit to stay alive. It was Johnson who hit though, as the 10 completed the board and Capone’s elimination.

He’d make $2,466 for his deep run and after a few more minutes of uneventful play, this eight-handed field was sent on their first post-dinner break.

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