SugarRush (Day 2): 8th Place – Zhenjie Hou ($3,514)

Level 25 (Blinds 30,000/60,000/10,000)
Total SugarRush Challenge Entries: 512
Players Remaining: 7
Chip Average: 2,06,000


Zhenjie Hou

Earlier today, Matt Glantz beat pocket aces with ace-queen and after the dinner break, Brian Hastings beat pocket kings with ace-king. Zhenji Hou just had both of those bad beats combined to send him out in 8th place, as his pocket aces fell to the big slick of Brian Hastings.

Action was picked up with Matt Glantz opening to 120,000 from early position and after some thought, Hou three-bet to 320,000 from the hijack. Hastings, who was in the cutoff, then four-bet to 520,000 and after Glantz got out of the way, Hou shoved for just over 700,000 total.

Hastings called and Hou turned over AA♣ and again, Hastings was treading water with A♠K against a big pocket pair. He needed some help and he got just that on the 9♠66♠ flop.

The 2♠ fell on the turn and it’s almost like everyone knew what was coming next. The K♠ fell to complete Hastings’ ace-high flush and after sitting there in awe for a few seconds, Hou stood to head to the cage. While he headed to collect his $3,500 payout,  Matt Glantz and Alyson Parker debated who was more disgusting, Parker or Hastings.

After beating kings and aces since the dinner break, Hastings, disgusting level aside is now playing just over 3,500,000, good for the overall chip lead and close to 25% of the total chips in play.

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