SugarRush (Day 2): 7th Place – Matt Glantz ($4,501)

Level 25 (Blinds 30,000/60,000/10,000)
Total SugarRush Challenge Entries: 512
Players Remaining: 6
Chip Average: 2,408,000


Matt Glantz

While Brian Hastings has come from behind a few times to score knockouts of players with big pocket pairs, he’s also been able to win his fair share of flips today as well. He just won a relatively small one but it just eliminated potentially the only player that boasted a similar tournament resume to Hastings, as Matt Glantz and Hastings combine for almost $10,000,000 in career tournament earnings.

Action was picked up with Hastings opening to 120,000 and after some folds, Glantz moved all-in for 710,000. Hastings called and he needed to hold to score the knockout, as he held J♣J♠ to Glantz’s AK♣.

Glantz did not improve on the flop, turn or river, meaning he was confirmed as our 7th place finisher. He’ll make just over $4,500 for his first career SugarHouse final table run and Brian Hastings is now near the 4,200,000 chip mark.

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