SugarRush (Day 2): 13th Place – Tim Oleske ($1,233)

Level 24 (Blinds 25,000/50,000/5,000)
Total SugarRush Challenge Entries: 512
Players Remaining: 12
Chip Average: 1,204,000


Tim Oleske

Before the blinds went up, the action continued on Table 2. After beating pocket aces to burst the bubble, Matt Glantz was at it again, running out another flush to come back from a dominated pre flop position.

Action was picked up with Glantz moving all-in for just over 700,000 from under the gun and after some folds, Tim Oleske called all-in for less from the button. Olseke held 480,000 and after the blinds folded, it looked like he was in a great spot to double.

Glantz held A9♣ to Oleske’s AQ♠ and even though the short stack hit the Q64 flop, he wasn’t out of the woods just yet. That’s because Glantz had a flush draw and it came in on the turn, as the 9 left Oleske drawing dead.

The A♣ completed the board and when the dust settled, Glantz was playing the better part of 1,300,000 while Oleske was left collecting his things and heading to the payout cage. He’ll make just over $1,200 for his 13th place finish and we are now just two eliminations away from the final table.

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