Event 17: 7th Place – Tim Polcari ($989)

Event 17
Level 16 (3,000/6,000/1,000)
Total Entries: 51
Players Remaining: 6
Chip Average: 340,000


Tim Polcari

After spending close to an hour on the final table bubble, we have seen four players quickly hit the rail and Tim Polcari was the most recent. Polcari came back as one of the final table short stacks and he was able to sneak into the money and then score two pay jumps before falling in 7th place.

He open shoved for just over 80,000 from middle position and Rich DeVivo called in the big blind to try to score his second straight final table knockout. He was in a good position to do so, as DeVivo had Polcari dominated with K♠Q to Q♣J♣.

The board ran out 9♠7♣5♠6Q and even though both paired up on the river, DeVivo’s high card played to score the knockout. Polcari will make just under $1,000 for his deep run and Rich DeVivo is now playing close to 530,000.

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